Hardware Requirements
Android Devices
- Tablets 7"+
- Android Phone
iOS Devices
- iPad 2nd Generation +
- iPhone
Operating System Requirements
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 10
- OS X 10.9+
Android Devices
- Android v4.0+ required
Apple Devices
- iOS7+
Whitelisted Domains
This list contains the necessary Domain Names to be whitelisted by the IT department for allowing Copia Applications/Portal to authenticate with Copia Servers.
- For complete compatibility with Copia Class there are two DNS-based connections that must be enabled for port 80 (http) and port 443 (https):
*.thecopia.com (multiple sub domains)
In addition, the following needs to be enabled on port 8080:
sync.thecopia.com (sync.thecopia.com:8080)
Note to IT Personnel: Please trace the activity and allow the authentication in your filter as well.
If you are still having trouble connecting to our servers (you may see an error message beginning with "E_ADEPT"), make sure you do not have a VPN profile installed on your device.
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